A-to-Z list of resources
Adelaide Drug Discovery Incubator (ADDI)
The ADDI program supports and connects researchers interested in drug discovery and development research.
Adelaide Microscopy
A centrally located facility offering technologically advanced instrumentation for microscopy and microanalysis.
Adelaide RNA
Our cutting‐edge RNA Innovation Hub is dedicated to advancing RNA science into tangible solutions that advance human health.
Animal ethics resources
Animal ethics related policies and documentation.
Adelaide Drug Discovery Incubator (ADDI)
A bio-repository, to centrally and securely house valuable research material stored in ultracold (-80 degrees).
Brand website
University logos, brand guidelines and templates.
Careers & research skills training (CaRST)
Delivering skills and knowledge essential to research success to the research community.
The University can access ABS Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs) for research purposes.
Careers & research skills training (CaRST)
Defence Trailblazer
Defence Trailblazer website.
DSS longitudinal studies
Staff & HDR students from the University may apply to access 3 datasets managed by DSS (Department of Social Services.
Defence Trailblazer
Ethics, Compliance & Integrity resources
External contacts, authorities and legislation relevant to research ethics, compliance & integrity.
Ethics, Compliance & Integrity resources
FECR registration form
Foreign Engagement Compliance Review (FECR) Registration Form.
Finance website
For information on finance and procurement.
Funding databases
Public online directories listing research funding opportunities.
FECR registration form
HR website
HR services, processes and forms.
Human research ethics resources
Human research ethics related policies and documentation.
HR website
Integrity & Accountability
Integrity and accountability obligations at the University.
Invention disclosure form
Disclose your invention using our online platform.
Inventor's guide - A guide to technology transfer
A guide to commercialisation & tech transfer.
ISER support request form
For researchers to request support from ISER.
ITDS website
Information and communications technology services and support to the University.
Integrity & Accountability
Lab Animal Services
Supporting the research community through the delivery of best practice & world standard laboratory animal products & services.
Legal website
Legal services for University staff.
Lab Animal Services
Marketing website
Marketing services for University staff.
Marketing website
National Institutes of Health
Requirements for University of Adelaide Investigators applying for, holding, or working on NIH studies.
National Institutes of Health
Planning & Analytics website
Reporting, data, analytics and survey capabilities.
Policy Directory
A-Z list of all University policies
Planning & Analytics website
Capture, management and retention of digital and physical records and related advice and support.
Research classification
Codes adopted within Australia, required for grant applications, or to classify research.
Research data
ABS Microdata, Longitudinal Studies, and scientific indicators (such as Journal & Country rankings).
Research Data Management
Information and resources for managing research data.
Research policies
University policies governing research practice, compliance, and integrity.
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a portal for global journals ranking, citation indexing, and other scientific indicators.
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
University delegations
Delegations by category and position.
University Library
The University Library offers resources & services to support researchers through the research lifecycle.
University delegations