
Let's talk about it

Join us for SEXtember at the University of Adelaide as we break the silence and start conversations about sexual health and wellbeing. Explore our events, workshops, and resources throughout the month of September.

  • Let's talk about SEXUAL HEALTH

    Sexual health is the state of physical, mental and social wellbeing related to sexuality. It encompasses not just the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity, but also the ability to have satisfying and safe sexual experiences.

    Learning about sexual health is important for several reasons. It helps individuals make informed decisions about their sexual behaviours, including contraception, STI prevention, and healthy relationships. Understanding sexual health can help reduce the stigma surrounding sexuality and promote open communication about sexual topics, which is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Being knowledgeable about sexual health can empower individuals to advocate for their own health and wellbeing, seek appropriate medical care when needed, and navigate sexual experiences in a way that is safe, consensual, and fulfilling. 

    Learn more about defining sexual health

  • Let's talk about STI CHECKS

    STI checks, also known as STI screenings or tests, are medical tests used to detect the presence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in individuals. 

    STI checks screen for a range of infections, including but not limited to:

    • Chlamydia: A common bacterial infection that can infect both men and women. It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system.
    • Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that can grow in warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract. If left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body.
    • Syphilis: A bacterial infection that can cause long-term complications if not treated correctly.
    • HIV: The virus that causes AIDS. HIV attacks the body's immune system, making it difficult to fight off infections and certain cancers.
    • Hepatitis B and C: Viral infections that affect the liver and can cause acute and chronic disease. Hepatitis B and C are spread through contact with infected body fluids.
    • Herpes: A viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause sores in the genital area and is highly contagious.

    STI checks are important for early detection and treatment of STIs, which can prevent further transmission and complications. It's essential to discuss your sexual history and any concerns with a healthcare provider to determine which tests are appropriate for you. Regular screenings, especially for individuals who are sexually active or have multiple partners, are recommended to maintain sexual health and wellbeing.

    Learn more about STIs

  • Let's talk about PrEP and PEP

    PrEP and PEP are crucial in the prevention of HIV. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a daily medication taken by HIV-negative individuals to reduce the risk of contracting HIV. It is highly effective when taken as prescribed, along with other preventive measures such as condom use. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a short-term treatment taken after potential exposure to HIV to prevent infection. Both PrEP and PEP are important tools in HIV prevention and are part of a comprehensive approach to sexual health. Understanding how PrEP and PEP work, who can benefit from them, and how to access them is crucial for maintaining sexual health.

    Learn more about PrEP Learn more about PEP

  • Let's talk about SAFE SEX

    Safe sex is the practice of engaging in sexual activities in a way that reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. This can include the use of barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, and open communication with sexual partners.

    Find out where to get free sexual health products on campus


  • Let's talk about PLEASURE AND SAFETY

    Sexual health encompasses not just physical wellbeing but also emotional and social aspects, including pleasure and safety. Understanding one's own desires, boundaries, and how to explore them safely is key to a fulfilling sexual experience. It's important to recognise that sexual pleasure is diverse and can include a range of activities, including those involving kinks, fetishes, and erotica. It's crucial that these activities are consensual, safe, and respectful. Education and open dialogue about sexual pleasure can help individuals navigate their sexuality in a way that is fulfilling and safe for all parties involved.


    pleasure project

    Source: The Pleasure Project


    Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral components of an individual's identity, reflecting who they are attracted to (sexual orientation) and how they identify their own gender (gender identity). Understanding and respecting diverse sexual orientations and gender identities is crucial for promoting inclusivity and acceptance.

    Learn more about sexual orientation and gender identity

  • Let's talk about REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH

    Reproductive health encompasses the physical, mental, and social wellbeing related to the reproductive system and its functions. Reproductive health focuses on menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause, with access to safe and legal abortion services.

    Learn more about reproductive health


    Religion and culture profoundly influence attitudes and behaviours related to sexual health. It's crucial to recognise and respect that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sexual health, and everyone is their own cultural expert, with unique beliefs and practices that should be honoured and understood.

    International Student Health Hub

Got a sexual health question?

Got a sexual health question? You can talk to a SHINE SA nurse for free on their confidential Sexual Healthline.

Adelaide Sexual Health Centre

Adelaide Sexual Health Centre provides a free and confidential specialist sexual health service for South Australia located on 260 Currie St, Adelaide SA 5000.

Where to get an STI test in SA?

Finding a place to get an STI test is easy! Your local doctor or sexual health clinic can offer STI testing. Browse this list of sexual health clinics throughout South Australia. 

Sexual Health Matters Podcast

Tune into the Shine SA podcase Sexual Health Matters where sexual and reproductive health topics are explored and your questions are answered.

Sexual Health Book Recommendations

Binge your next read on sexual health! Explore diverse perspectives and expert advice on sexual wellbeing and inclusivity.

SEXtember Playlist

Find your next favourite song on the SEXtember spotify playlist!