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We are living in a digital age (just in case you hadn't noticed). When people point that out to me it usually feels like such a mundane observation. My gut response is that computers aren't anything remarkable, I use them every day
Finding comfort in fiction
When things are hard, novels are not the first place I go. Usually I will seek easier distraction through social media, television and junk food. But novels should be my first port of call.
Review: Mrs America
Mrs America is another prestige television show.
Learning to be wise with words
I pride myself on being honest and saying what I think. I don’t want to change that aspect of who I am. That being said, I have learnt that it is very important to be careful in both what I say, and how I say it.
In the room
There’s a song by Flight of the Concords called “the most beautiful girl in the room”. The song is aimed at love songs lyrics which constantly refer to a hypothetical partner as the most attractive person in the whole wide world. Probably the most memorable line of the song is, “If you were on the street, depending on the street, you’d definitely be in the top three.”
Was (is) it real?
How do you tell if something is real? How do you know if your version of events is really accurate? What if that comes into conflict with what someone else sees or thinks? How do you tell if what you think is what’s really going on? How do you know?
The Dictionary of Lost Words
Who decides which words go in the Dictionary? Which words are left out?
Thank you
I’ve been realising that I have a tendency to focus on the issues in my life. What are people doing wrong? What is annoying? What are all the faults in the world? I’ve been trying to make sure that I also pay attention to all the positives. One thing I wanted to do was thank everyone for what they’ve done for me over the course of my life.
The best TV series of 2020
As we reach the end of 2020, I've been reflecting on the best TV series of the year.