Putting things together again

I kind of crashed after exams. I needed to give my head a break after trying to cram so much into it, so I just needed a week of recuperation and nothingness. I enjoyed being incredibly unproductive and having a break from obligations. I did whatever popped into my head, although nothing quite as crazy as making a cardboard castle for snails.

Things are now in a bit of disorder and disarray, and I’ve decided that it is time to start putting it all together again.

General maintenance

Being alive is a constant cycle. Things need to be renewed, over and over again. I’ve learnt to be okay with that. In fact, I quite like being able to do a summer clean of the house. I’m restocking basic household items, dusting, and so on. It feels good to be prepared for the new year.


I hover my hand over all my university stuff. I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve finished my degree. Do I store it? Do I throw it away? This question isn’t as difficult as the next question that pops into my mind: what am I going to do next? Figuring out the transition from the end of my degree into the next phase of life has been a challenge.

I have begun making a detailed plan about my plan for a career and some of the post-graduate study I intend to do. I’ve also written down some names of people I want to contact to help me sort out getting from where I am now to where I want to be. That’s the best I can do. Figure out what I want my life to look like (exercise, hobbies,  job, relationships, etc.) and come up with a plan to get there.

Tagged in Student life