Childhood photos
On the weekend Mum enlisted my help to clean out the dusty old cupboards in the corner. The dust soon kicked in my allergies and through puffy eyes and a runny nose I lifted the boxes out. Once they were all out in the open, I tried to slip away but she caught me and I was back in for step two, sorting through the boxes.
They had everything. Pamphlets from decades ago, old maps, old books and files but most interestingly of all, old school work and photos that have been long forgotten. It's strange to see your five-year-old self in in kinder and old school work from when you didn't know how to spell, 'well' (whell) and 'pigeon' (pigon). It blows my mind flicking back through this work and literally seeing my brain develop and change over time. Some pictures and drawings jog my memory and some just seem to be forgotten.
Through the photos I see the physical changes between myself and my family. What features I've lost and what features I've gained. I see old faces from old childhood friends and most importantly some great photos of myself and my brothers looking miserable which we all had a good laugh at. You know those photos where everyone else is smiling and there is that kid just having the most awful day?
The whole event made me realise how quickly time passes and how many forgotten memories lay dormant in our minds. Despite the cleaning, it was certainly a worthwhile venture.