Unpopular opinion: I am starting to like mullets

My questioning of the mullet has come about recently for two reasons. Firstly, one of my close friends told me they were planning on getting a mullet with bangs. At first, I thought this would look odd to say the least. I half-heartedly responded with an encouraging comment about how it could maybe look cool (maybe…). However, as I thought more about the hairstyle, I began to ask why I had such a problem with it? Was it the conformist nature of it? Or the dated look and values it communicates to me? The more I thought about it the more I thought that it is a new trend that people are using to feel like an individual and form a community (not a mullet community but more of an individual community). When you boil it down, for some, the hairstyle is an attempt to find out what you like and what works for you. That is not something I have a problem with, and I guess makes me question why I have had such an intolerance for this hairstyle in the past.

Secondly, another of my friends lost a cooking competition. It was a long-standing argument between two of my friends about who is the better cook and the stakes were high with the loser having to get a mullet. I could not help but feel bad for my friend when he lost. He has luscious long dark hair that I know he is immensely proud of. When the competition was lost, true to his word, he submitted to the haircut. Then the shock came, it really suited him. It somehow seemed to turn him into an 80’s Rockstar overnight. It seems to fit his face perfectly and even matches his fashion sense.

So, perhaps styles are changing, and mullets are making a comeback. I would have previously said that they must not come back but if it is what you want to try, maybe just go for it. If it’s a little wacky or weird then give it a shot (and if turns out terrible, you’ll have all the photos to regret when you’re older).  

Tagged in Student life, What messes with your head