Dogs, rabbits & cats (which is the best pet?)
Dogs, Rabbits, Cats, Reptiles, Fish and the list goes on… it’s interesting that we adopt animals as pets and can even develop a greater connection to them than other humans. If you’re having a bad day, a warm welcome from a pet can be the thing that turns your day around!
I will happily claim the title as the crazy rabbit lady—I believe they’re underrated pets and are incredibly smart and have distinct personalities. But admittedly, I will always be a dog person which I know stems from having a dog for the first eleven years of my life. But also… my housemate has the most loving and playful cat that I adore. Also, a special mention to my brother’s fish (he was pretty cool – RIP Akira).
Ok so I know I framed the title of this blog to seem like I’ll be discussing which pet is the best, but I have come to really appreciate the intricacies of different pets. I detail my experiences and advice below.
Dogs are so cool because there are so many different breeds and personalities that you could end up with. This affects how much food, exercise and cleaning you’ll be required to have knowledge on. I had the sweetest Staffy x Kelpie mix, who was a few years older than me – so I have really fallen in love with old dogs (bless them).
Exploring the outdoors (aka going on walks) is so important for dogs (some more than others) – so if you are thinking of getting a dog – make sure you have the time to take your dog out on walks!
I could probably dedicate a whole blog for my love of rabbits… but alas! Having a rabbit as a pet actually never popped into my head (so thank you for my sister’s decision). I often hear stories of people owning rabbits as a first pet than moving onto a dog, which often means the rabbit is forgotten (which sadly happens way too much)!
Rabbits are very curious and intelligent animals – my two rabbits roam around the backyard all day eating plants and grass. Interestingly, they are a little more maintenance than people suspect (… cleaning, the hay & the loose hair). Search up rabbit 'binky', 'flopping' or 'thumping' for insight into the fun characteristics of bunnies!
Here's a link to a video of rabbits 'flopping' (I can guarantee this will make your heart melt)!
Cats have this reputation of being colder and more independent compared to dogs. While there are definitely cats who will not have a bar of anything, cats are often very caring and loveable animals. I am so lucky that I’ve taken care of a friend’s cat for a few months, and even luckier that my housemate has an amazing cat (shout out to Sebastian). Cats need space to explore but also alone time. Definitely invest in a scratching post so they don’t ruin your furniture!
Also, remember to adopt, don’t shop!
It’s very important that when seeking out a pet that you are ready and prepared for a long-term commitment. Prior to wanting a pet, speak to a friend who has a pet, so you are aware of the responsibilities. Fostering pets is also an option to test whether you want to fully commit! Owning a pet is often impossible for some (shout out to those living in rentals or apartments), so if you want an animal encounter, I would highly recommend Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary!
Shout out to all the pets in the world – they really are a special gift to the world. If you have a pet, make sure to show your appreciation with a treat or a comforting pat!