Sustainability week

A sustainable earth

It's sustainability week on campus! And it is feels really comforting to have a sustainability focused presence and culture around campus and online. 

Why do events like these help me? 

I like to think that I am not disillusioned about the dire state of our climate and the need to lead more sustainable lives. While I am aware of this, it is nice to have a culture and a week dedicated towards sustainability. In an odd way, the event itself demonstrates a cultural shift and a real change amongst everyone's attitude towards sustainability. It is now a must! Something that is really important to our future, but also to our individual values. 

The diverse focus of sustainability 

One of my favourite things about the concept of sustainability and sustainability week is the diversity of its focus. It isn't just about reducing single use plastics, or waste or emissions but all of them and so much more. The social activities, film night and clothes swap are great for finding ways to feel connected towards sustainability in various ways. When focusing on R U OK Day in collaboration with sustainability week, the focus on mental health and wellbeing is a great practical way to discuss a very real and prevalent problem in society - eco-anxiety. This is something that I often feel on a regular basis and it can underpin the huge waves of defeatism I experience. It is nice to know that this isn't a random or solitary struggle, but something that a growing number of people are feeling and looking towards supporting. 

Building community 

Other than the cultural shift that sustainability week demonstrates with the diversity of events, it also builds community around the idea. I have found it very easy to feel isolated and alone in my concerns for the environment and its future. This is why I think building a community and a network of support around the idea of sustainability is really important and special. 

Tagged in Student life, stress, mental health, environment, What messes with your head