Spring & ducklings

Springtime is my favourite time of year, mostly because of all the ducklings around university (Author: Yasmine)
If you are ever feeling a bit down, or bleary-eyed from staring at computer screens all day, you should definitely head on down to the bridge at the back of the university for some duckling spotting! As one my favourite pastimes, I find their little waddles and piping quacks so adorably innocent that everything in the world just seems so much better. I always like to remind myself that no matter how bad or hard things seem, somewhere out there there is a duckling for whom the world is new and exciting and maybe not terrible at all.
Although I have never been more afraid of the drakes that guard their little herds so protectively! I always remind myself to be careful though and not interfere. As tempting as it is to offer them pieces of my sandwich or crackers, human food is not duck food!
During my walks down there and to the botanic gardens I have stumbled across baby possums, baby flying foxes, butterflies and ducklings of course. Maybe you could find some different things but for the moment I am pretty content to photograph and watch these little fellas bumble around in blissful ignorance.