A wistful parting

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I submitted my last assignment at the University of Adelaide last week, and am feeling weird about it.

Four years of what at times was a bit of a one-sided relationship with online learning and all.
And all for what? For me to submit my last assignment at 9pm on a Monday with nothing but the click of a mouse for company. *yaaaay*

Perhaps I am being a little negative. Uni has had its ups and its downs and like any experience I have mixed feelings about it. I know that while I love learning I am not quite ready to come back just yet. Some experience in the real world and a new setting sound so appealing.

That being said I am going to miss lots of little things. Late nights at the library, bumping into friends, delicious noodle bowls from the Vietnamese place in the hub..

It is a wistful parting because it feels like a part of my life is coming to a close. And while I am doing more study on exchange even that is going to be a completely different environment.

Before I head off I am going to do a tour of all my favourite spots. To say goodbye and reflect.

Where to from here? I’m not too sure, but I am excited to find out.

Tagged in What messes with your head, goodbye, sad