Embracing the ordinary

I find myself often unable to embrace the routine, everyday activities.
A toxic trait that I possess is constantly looking forward to an upcoming event or activity that I perceive as fun. It may be a birthday, or a hangout with my friends, but I often need to think far ahead to get me through the mundane weekly tasks. "It's fine to have a boring study day today, I will tell myself, "since you will get to go out for dinner on Saturday night".
This is obviously a bad way to approach the day. It means that you are unable to feel satisfied with what you are currently doing (no matter how interesting or relaxing) and that you ultimately struggle with being in the moment. And when moments are fast, it feels a shame to waste them by looking forward to the future.
The ordinary can be just as fun though, a fact that I forget when I have to grasp onto some fanciful future event. There is joy to be had in the routine of buying yourself a coffee, or having a long day and knowing you get to sleep in your snug bed. There is joy in having five minutes to just cuddle your cat, or buying yourself a little treat from the supermarket. But also, I need to remind myself that I enjoy studying and enjoying learning, so even if not always fun and stress-free, there is a happiness to be found in working on assignments for uni.
Even the activities that feel like chore can be made for fun. Podcasts can make cleaning the house much more fun, and an errand like going to the post office becomes a fun adventure if you take your friend with you. Giving yourself small things to get excited about in the day (some alone time to read, for instance) can also help your mood.
I am trying to place less emphasis on some future plans to look forward to, and just enjoy what I am doing in the current moment.