Missing my PhD crew

Gather around because today, we're diving into a bittersweet tale – the story of missing those awesome friends who've already graduated.

As I navigate my final year, the echoes of their laughter and the memories we made together have me feeling all sorts of sentimental. Let's embark on this rollercoaster of nostalgia and celebrate the incredible friendships that transcend time.

As I stroll through the campus, I can't help but revisit the spots where we shared countless late-night snacks and secrets. From impromptu picnics on the quad to the chaotic group photos that were more laughter than poses.

When graduation day came for my pals, we celebrated their milestones with cheers and tears. The campus seemed a bit quieter without their infectious energy, but we promised to stay connected, even if life took us in different directions.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself navigating the campus without some of my favorite people. The lecture halls feel a bit emptier, and there's an unmistakable void in our usual hangout spots. It's like a piece of the puzzle is missing, and the campus canvas looks a tad incomplete.

The miles may separate us, but thanks to technology, our bonds remain intact. Zoom calls that turn into laughter-filled marathons, and group chats buzzing with updates – these digital connections bridge the physical gap. It's not the same as having them on campus, but it's a close second.

So here's a heartfelt toast to my pals who've graduated – you are missed more than words can express. As I continue this final lap of my college journey, I carry your laughter, your wisdom, and the indelible mark you've left on my heart. Uni might be a temporary chapter, but our friendships? They're the kind that echoes in the halls long after the graduation hats have been tossed.

As I navigate my last year, the story is still unfolding. The missing pieces remind me of the incredible bonds we forged. To my PhD crew – past, present, and future – here's to friendship, to missing you with a smile, and to the chapters yet to be written.

Tagged in What messes with your head, friends, friendship, Student life