Moving house
Moving to a new place can be a lot of change.
If you have ever had to move house, you probably know about the stress and emotional storm that comes with it. It can be such an exciting experience but also a daunting one. I'm planning to move in with my partner for the first time in a newly built house and I tell you, it's a lot. The house has taken nearly three years to build with back-to-back delays, changes and unexpected curveballs.
Now comes the time when it might actually be happening and I am so elated! However, I also have a heap of other emotions and that's why I'm writing about it today. Sometimes planning to expect the unexpected can help ease the transition and this is my plan going forward. I hope this might help if you're going through a big transition phase of your own!
Phase 1: feel all the feelings. Don't demonise your feelings, everything that you're experiencing is totally normal! It's okay to be emotional and feel a bit unsteady during this time and also after, as you adjust. Try journalling, meditating and talking things out with trusted people to help normalise your emotions. Seek help if needed.
Phase 2: focus on the logistics. Now comes the practical part. To reduce stress and help things go as smoothly as possible, make a plan on how everything will work. Personally, confirmation of the handover date was pretty late notice so it's been a bit of a scramble. What's helped is making lists, physically planning out my week in writing, and checking things off as we go. Remember to take breaks and look after your needs. Also, discussing with my partner what his expectations are so we're on the same page.
Phase 3: adjustment period. This time is going to be equally tough, especially for me having lived independently for several years. It will be a big change to have company 24/7 as well as organise a house with two people's expectations and needs. I'm looking forward to making a home, but also wanting to set boundaries, and set aside alone time to process on the regular.
I hope this helps give you some ideas for your own big life changes, or if you are moving house soon.