News: food
The gut brain connection
Ever wondered why some days your mind feels sharper, and on others, you can barely focus?
My favourite cafes in rundle mall

Finding new cafes around University is one of my favourite hobbies. Studying or catching up with friends is always more fun at a cafe.
Discovering a new recipe with panko

It was one of the proudest moments in the mid-semester break when I tried to make a new dish and messed up the kitchen with cooking powder.
Eating my way through Malaysia

I always tell myself that if I don’t gain a kg or two after my summer break in Malaysia, then I probably landed in the wrong country.
Brunch club

I don’t know about you, but I have this tendency of going into a kind of hibernation during winter. It’s not a hibernation where I spend the winter sleeping (I wish) but instead a kind of unconscious retreating. In the past I’ve noticed that this period is spent doing more deep thinking and reflective work. Maybe it’s the longer nights and the chilly weather which controls this.
Background noise

Background noise is a great way that I de-stress. My favourite form of background noise... the Food Network!
New food & a new perspective

Trying a steamed Thai pandan-coconut cake opened my mind up to new ways to make delicious desserts.