News: Routine
Productive morning routine

There is a certain type of video that is always lurking on the YouTube home page. It is the infamous ‘morning routine’, a perfectly stylised video which glorifies waking up at an early hour to achieve peak productivity.
Looking forward to a break

With semester break just around the corner, I am trying to find things to look forward to. Here are just a few.
How to form good habits
They say it takes 66 days for a new behaviour to become a habit. But what exactly makes a ‘good’ habit? And how can we hope to get there?
What do our routines say about us?
Routines can help form our sense of self. But what happens when our habits fail us? What happens when we fall out of our regular routine?
A new routine
I have recently made some changes to my daily routine.
Finding routine in reality television
I used to view MasterChef as a waste of time and some pretty standard reality television that wasn’t much use for anything. Now, I’ve reconsidered.