Login Home Student Wellbeing Current: Student Life Services Feedback Student Life Services Feedback About you Are you a tertiary student at The University of Adelaide? Yes No Please indicate the type of student you are? - select - UndergraduatePostgraduate How old are you? - select - Under 1818 - 2526 - 3031 - 4041 - 50Over 50 About Student Life Services Have you recently visited the Student Life support services (Counselling support, Disability Support, International Student Support, Elite Athlete Support) or activities organised by the health and wellbeing group? Yes No Not sure Which service did you recently visit? - None -Counselling Support serviceDisability Support serviceElite Athlete Support serviceInternational Student Support serviceHealth and wellbeing group In your experience, how helpful was this Student Life service for you? - None -Very helpfulModerately helpfulMildly helpfulNot at all helpful Tell us briefly why you chose this rating What were the positive things about your contact with this service? What suggestions can you make to improve this service? Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? Contact Details (optional) May we contact you if we have further questions about improving our support services? Yes No Please provide your name and contact number or email address Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will be used to improve our Wellbeing Hub website and our Student Life support services.