Professor Ioana Boureanu

Professor Ioana Boureanu

University of Surrey


Professor Boureanu’s research focuses on applied cryptography and formal analysis of secure systems. Particularly, Professor Boureanu advances new multi-agent systems formalisms and AI-inspired logics for the analysis of security and privacy.

Collaborative research project

Professor Boureanu’s research will be focused on advancing security and privacy verification techniques for multi-agent aystems (MAS), through:

  • Parameterised verification of security properties in unbounded MAS;
  • Enhancing Phoebe (a privacy model check developed by Professor Boureanu) for scalable privacy verification in MAS; and
  • Verification of information leakage in multi-threaded programs as MAS.

University of Adelaide host

Professor Olaf Maennel
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

More information about Professor Boureanu.