Diversity and Inclusion in Teaching workshop 2024

You are invited to attend a workshop on facilitating equitable access to work integrated learning: Identifying and minimising equity obstacles to engaging in compulsory and elective WIL.

Whether it is called a practicum, a placement, or an internship, many of our students engage in compulsory or elective workplace learning. These can be a great opportunity for students to enhance their employability by developing professional skills and networks.  However, securing and engaging in real work can also present barriers, for example for those without existing industry connections, who cannot afford to sacrifice paid work, or who have caring responsibilities.  This workshop will consider some of the obstacles and discuss practical responses to minimise them, so as to maximise opportunities for all our students to have the opportunity to engage in workplace learning.

Associate Professor Kathryn Bowd, Associate Dean WIL, ABLE
Professor Deanna Grant Smith, QUT, researcher in WIL
Associate Professor Anne Hewitt, Associate Dean GEDI, ABLE and researcher in WIL
Ms Rachael Kennedy, Clinical Placement team leader, H&MS

This workshop has been organised by the People & Culture and Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion portfolios, with the support of ADEPT, Adelaide Education Academy and Learning & Teaching

Tagged in WIL, Work integrated learning, learning and teaching