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Spotlight on Academic Integrity

Read about the latest news in the area of Academic Integrity including the recruitment of seven student Academic Integrity Ambassadors, next months Academic Integrity Colloquium and the mandatory MyUni module for commencing students.
How You Can Positively Impact Academic Program Reviews

The University of Adelaide routinely conducts reviews of all coursework programs as part of a five-year cycle. Oversight of reviews is the responsibility of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice President (Academic), delegated to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning). In recent years, the reviews process has been reconceptualised and it now embraces a forward-looking, strongly participatory approach to enhancing the program(s) under review.
[Read more about How You Can Positively Impact Academic Program Reviews]
Congratulations to New Advance HE Fellows

The HEA Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to excellence in learning and teaching in higher education. Across four categories, from Associate to Principal, Fellowship provides individuals with formal, international, professional recognition of their practice, expertise and impact in learning and teaching. Read about the staff who have recently achieved Fellowship.
Full Faculty Representation on AEA Executive Committee

In 2021 the Adelaide Education Academy has members from all five faculties on its Executive Committee, with new members joining from ECMS and Professions.
[Read more about Full Faculty Representation on AEA Executive Committee]
Communities of Practice in Focus

The Employability Community of Practice is a vibrant group of academic and professional staff members who love to share the latest knowledge and innovative practice under the umbrella of employability topics such as; work-integrated learning, experiential learning, career development learning, and different ways to assess learning.
Innovations Prepare Students for Close Encounters

Mixed reality technology has become more accessible for students at the Roseworthy Campus within the last 12 months with the introduction of a Virtual Reality (VR) cattle handling experience and haptic technology featuring a cow and a horse.
[Read more about Innovations Prepare Students for Close Encounters]
Embedding Career Development Learning in the Curriculum

You have no doubt heard discussion of the role of higher education in developing graduate employability, but are we all on the same page about what employability is, what its elements are, and how they work together to create positive outcomes for graduates?
[Read more about Embedding Career Development Learning in the Curriculum]
This is how I teach

In this month's ‘This is how I teach’ we spoke to Dr Anna Leonard, a Lecturer at the Adelaide Medical School who is also an alumna of the University of Adelaide.
2021 update - New rooms available to deliver remote teaching

Coming soon - five NEW Remote Teaching Rooms!
To support staff returning to campus in continuing to provide lectures and tutorials remotely to students, five additional rooms will be available soon for teaching staff.
[Read more about 2021 update - New rooms available to deliver remote teaching]