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Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence

TEQSA has published guiding principles and propositions to support the sector in considering the risks and opportunities of generative artificial intelligence (genAI).
[Read more about Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence]
This is how I teach

This month we spoke with Associate Professor Edward Palmer, Director of the Unit of Digital Education and Training in the School of Education where he is also Acting Deputy Head of School. Read about his innovative use of technology to benefit both the teacher and the student.
Learnings from LTAG - Dr Hong Cai

The Meeting Multilingual Minds facilitates language and cultural exchanges between ‘Language Learners’ enrolled in language courses and ‘native’ speakers of those languages, who volunteer as ‘Language Helpers’ by registering their interest through the web form.
Students give top marks to their teachers

As part of the World Teachers’ Day festivities, students were encouraged to give a ‘shout out’ to a teacher who has supported or inspired them to reach their potential through their studies - with this year's theme "Hat's off to teachers".
Developing Feedback Literacy
We know that feedback needs to be timely and focused on information which can improve performance. However, to make the most of feedback, students need to learn how to interpret and respond to feedback. As part of their personal and professional development, they also need to learn how to constructively and respectfully seek and provide feedback. Colleagues in the School of Psychology share how they are supporting the development of students’ feedback literacy.
Learnings from LTAG - Dr Mahmud Masum

A collaboration among a team of academics, learning designers, and multi-media professionals, led by Dr Mahmud Masum of the Adelaide Business School, enabled the implementation of blended learning in undergraduate and post-graduate courses.
Assessment design for the two AIs
As part of Academic Integrity Awareness week, LEI and the Academic Integrity team presented a workshop sharing sector best practice, experiences from teaching and assessing in the age of Chat GPT, and ideas for the future of assessment design. Here are some of the key takeaways.
This is how I teach

This month we spoke with Dr Matthew Arnold, lecturer and graduate of the Adelaide Medical School. Matthew has multiple roles within the school, coordinating the first-year courses of the new Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine program, leading the development of the Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) curriculum, and coordinating a Year 6 elective rotation in Medical Education.
New Adelaide Education Academy Members

Congratulations to 19 staff who successfully applied to join the Adelaide Education Academy (AEA) in the recent round.
2023 Kevin Marjoribanks Memorial Lecture
The Importance of Girls' Education: A Father's Perspective
Worldwide 129 million girls are out of school and only 49% of countries have achieved gender parity in education. The opportunity for girls to have an education is paramount.