Peer Assisted Study Sessions

PASS 2023

Peer Assisted Study Sessions for enhanced student success!

Did you know that Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) can help reduce your student support workload? PASS are student led study sessions, run by experienced students who have excelled in their courses. PASS Leaders are trained to help students without re-teaching concepts or providing content answers. They can help encourage students in your courses in ways that enhance student engagement, supporting them to understand and practice key concepts reducing academic workload.

Return to revision

After three years of limited end of semester activities PASS revision sessions were back for Semester Two! As well as running weekly sessions, PASS Leaders are available to support exam revision during Week 13 / SWOTVAC. Pictured is the June 2023 session facilitated by PASS Leaders Cooper and Caleb who paired up to run a combined Electronic Systems and Analogue Electronics ‘Pizza and Revision Session,’ for their attendees to assist with exam preparation study. They had over 60 students attend, representing approximately 14% of students in scope.

Connect with PASS Leaders to encourage student engagement

PASS starts in Week 2 of Semester 2, and runs until Week 12. If PASS is running in your course by now you will already have met your student PASS Leader. We encourage you to reach out to them regularly to hear how sessions are going and see how you can help encourage students to attend.

Students trust recommendations from academic staff – 67% of 2022 PASS attendees heard about PASS through in-class promotion from their lecturers. The best way you can connect your students to academic support services is to promote them on MyUni or in formal classes – download a PASS promotional slide to share with students here.

Connect with the Peer Learning Programs Coordinator for more information

More information is available for course coordinators on the PASS website or contact Elise Przytula who has joined the Student Academic Skills team as Peer Learning Programs Coordinator while Laura Robinson is on parental leave. Elise comes to us from the Student Engagement team, and is passionate about partnering with learners and staff to create a meaningful student experience.

Tagged in #peersupport, #student academic skills team, Student Academic Skills support, #pass