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Course Readings Upgrade

Managing your student’s readings in MyUni is now easier with a new upgrade to the Course Readings tool. The refreshed look provides a modern and intuitive user interface with some key enhancements to streamline your experience and make Course Readings even more user-friendly.
Launching - Students as Partners

Students as Partners (SaP) is an initiative created by student leaders and staff to ensure students have a central role in co-creating improvements in their experience of curriculum, services, and their overall university experience.
Learnings from LTAG - Dr Ratna Derina

Colleagues within the Faculty of ABLE have developed a simulation activity which enables students to experience global wealth management as well as informing the enhancement of courses.
This is how I teach

This month we spoke with Dr Kim Barbour, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Media, Faculty of ABLE. Kim’s excellent teaching practice was recognised in the 2023 Commendations for the Enhancement and Innovation of Student Learning, in the category of Inclusive learning and teaching approaches. Here Kim shares her insights about preparing students for jobs which don’t yet exist and how she uses Prezi Video to enable active engagement with her students.
Evidencing your teaching effectiveness

On Thursday 15 February, staff enjoyed a presentation by Emeritus Profession Denise Chalmers AM, which focused on a myriad of ways to evidence excellence learning and teaching practice.