Meet the author event with Sophie Gonzales, in conversation with Sean Williams

Photo credit: Melbourne Actors Headshots
Sophie Gonzales writes young adult queer contemporary fiction with memorable characters, biting wit, and endless heart.
She is the author of The Law Of Inertia, acclaimed for addressing mental health issues including depression, anxiety and suicide; Only Mostly Devastated - a contemporary, queer re-imagining of the film Grease; Perfect On Paper; If This Gets Out (co-written with Cale Dietrich), and Never Ever Getting Back Together.
Sophie is an alumna of the University of Adelaide (B Psych (Hons) 2014) and lives in Adelaide where she is registered as a psychologist. When she isn’t writing, Sophie can be found ice skating, painting, and practicing the piano.
Copies of Sophie’s books will be on sale at this event courtesy of Dymocks Adelaide.

Photo by James Braund.
Q&A facilitator Sean Williams is a #1 New York Times-bestselling, multi-award-winning author of over 60 books and 120 shorter publications for readers of all ages. His published works include series, novels, stories and poems that have been translated into multiple languages for readers around the world.
He has collaborated with other authors, including Garth Nix and was part of an expedition to Casey research station in Antarctica. An alumnus of the University of Adelaide (M A (Creat Writ) 2005 & Ph D (H&SS) Creative Writing 2013), Sean is Discipline Lead of Creative Writing at Flinders University, South Australia.
Sponsored door prizes. Wines by Coriole Vineyards.
Date: Wednesday 31 May 2023, doors open 5:30 pm for 6:00 pm start
Venue: Piper Alderman Moot Court, Adelaide Law School, Ligertwood Building, Ground Floor
Cost: $12 per person GST included. Students FREE.
Bookings essential: Register here
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