Services for teaching staff

Member of teaching staff teaching three students

The University Library is your partner in the provision of quality learning and teaching.

The Library offers a range of services, including coordinating copyright-compliant access to digitised course materials for students from within MyUni, and copyright advice. We also offer a self-paced online course called Library Essentials, designed to teach students the fundamentals of finding, using, evaluating, and acknowledging information in an academic environment.

The Library’s Learning Support Team are dedicated to helping you achieve your teaching and learning goals.

Contact the Learning Support Team

Teaching support

  • Custom information & research skills programs

    Learn how the Library can work with you to develop online resources tailored to your students' needs.

    The Learning Support team have extensive experience designing online learning activities to meet the needs of your students and your curriculum. 

    Improve your students' scholarly literacy skills with Library Essentials, an online module tailored to your subject.

    Share the self-enrol link with students for them to take Library Essentials at their own pace, or contact the Learning Support team to embed content from Library Essentials directly in your MyUni course. The Learning Support team can provide guidance on the content that you should embed, discuss any need for additional content and help with importing.

    Library Bites for Teaching is an online series for teaching staff. Find out how our services can assist with teaching across the University.

    Object-based Learning

    Transform your teaching and engage your students through an Object-Based Learning (OBL) workshop.

    The University Library’s Special Collections can be explored including objects such as:

    • University artwork
    • Rare books and manuscripts
    • Heritage items
    • Archival materials
    • Adelaide Connect for digitised University content including photographs and records

    Opportunities for workshops are limited each semester.

    Contact Special Collections or your Liaison Librarian to discuss further.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and knowledges

    The Library offers tailored support that can assist staff to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and resources in their work.

    The Coordinator, Indigenous Library Programs can work with staff to assess, recommend and advise how to embed diverse perspectives within their individual context. The Learning Support Team can further support this work regarding resource collection, evaluation and integration.

    If you are interested in this service, book a dedicated session to explore your options.

Course materials

  • Course Readings

    Provide your students with copyright-compliant online access to full-text reading materials from within MyUni.

    The Library makes it easy to provide online course readings for your students in MyUni.

    Learn more about adding online readings to MyUni

  • Print course materials

  • Open Educational Resources (OERs)

    Open Educational Resources (OERs) are materials which you can use in your teaching with no cost to you, your students or the University! They are available online and are also free of most copyright restrictions - which makes them perfect for online teaching.

  • High Use Collection

    Place high-demand books, textbooks and other print materials for your subject on short-term loan to maximise student access.

    Lectures and tutors can have reading list materials added to the High Use Collection to ensure they are available to all students. Items within the High Use Collection have shortened loan periods to facilitate greater access.

    To have a book or other item added to the High Use Collection for your course, add it to your list in Course Readings and add the tag "Move to High Use". This also applies to items that have previously been added to the High Use Collection for another course or teaching period. Get further help with Course Readings or find out specifically how to add a book to the High Use Collection.

  • Multimedia and streaming

    Embed streaming media into MyUni.

    The Library has a range of streaming media resources available to embed or link to from within MyUni. Resources include Kanopy, with a great range of movies (both popular and scholarly) and Naxos music (ranging from classical to world music). Check Library Search to see what is already on offer or talk with your liaison librarian about the range of options available.

  • Suggest a purchase

    Need textbooks or other books to support your course?

    The Library's collections are designed to support the teaching and research needs of the University. If we don't have the materials you need for your course please send through a purchase suggestion or, if your needs are more complex, talk with your liaison librarian.

  • eTextbooks for open book exams

    The University Library provides access to electronic textbooks for students, however the licencing conditions of each publisher often limits the number of simultaneous users. The standard number of students who can access an electronic textbook at the same time is 1-3 users, depending on the book. If you are prescribing the use of textbooks in open book exams, please take into consideration that students will probably not be able to access the electronic library textbook all at the same time. We can investigate additional access, however this needs to be done on a case by case basis, well in advance and in accordance with the usual formula for the provision of textbooks. The Library is unable to provide copies of textbooks for each course to each student enrolled.


    The copyright regulations allow exemptions for the use of copyrighted materials in exams. This is usually confined to text for questions or examples, not the use of whole chapters or books.  Please contact the Copyright Coordinator for information regarding your specific situation. 

General course support