Sir John Salmond Law Library

Ligertwood buildng

Ligertwood building, home of the Adelaide Law School

The Sir John Salmond Law Library is a research and reference library offering access to a wide range of Australian and international legal resources. 

The majority of the library's holdings comprise the statutes and law reports of the Commonwealth of Australia and Australian states, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, United States and Canada. Collection strengths include significant journal holdings and text collections in comparative, international and environmental law.

Designed to be a welcoming place for students to study, learn, and recharge - we are a proud member of the Welcome Here Project.

Opening hours

View opening hours for the Sir John Salmond Law Library.

Contact & location

The Sir John Salmond Law Library is located on the ground and lower ground floors of the Ligertwood building on North Terrace - view campus mapAsk Library is located on the ground floor of the Ligertwood building.

Self-guided online tour

Go on a self-guided tour of the Sir John Salmond Law Library using the GooseChase app! Download the free app and follow the instructions to learn about the library at your own pace, while completing fun missions.