Forms & Templates
Find the relevant form or template below to:
Request a new file
- Request a new file using the online Records Services new file request form.
- To request multiple new files, download and complete the New file spreadsheet template and email it to Records Services.
Request access to the recordkeeping system
To use the University's official recordkeeping system you need to have a software licence for it.
- The staff member needing the licence must complete the online licence application form.
Manage security group settings
A security group can be used in Content Manager, the University's recordkeeping system, to restrict access to a file and its content and is applied to the access controls of the records in that file.
- Create a new security group using the online security group application form.
- Request to be added to or removed from an existing security group using the online security group amendment form.
- Security group managers can approve changes to existing security groups using the online security group managers amendment form.
Find out more about records security.
Lodge a legal document
A legal document is a record of the assets, legal interests and obligations of the University or its controlled entities.
The legal document lodgement form exists to ensure that the storage and overview of legal documents are well managed within the University.
- For electronic legal records, email the legal record and completed legal document lodgement form to:
- For physical (hardcopy) legal records, forward the completed legal document lodgement form and records via internal mail to: Records Services, Level 4, Barr Smith Library.
For assistance lodging a Legal Document with Records Services for Content Manager, please see How to lodge a Legal Document Procedure.
List records in your area for appraisal
Download the archival-disposal authorisation spreadsheet to list the records in your area you would like Records Services to appraise.
- Email your completed spreadsheet to Records Services who will contact you to discuss what happens next.
Pack and list boxes approved for archiving
Download the archiving records: instructions for transferring records to off-site storage fact sheet for instructions on how to assemble and pack your boxes correctly for off-site storage.
Download the archival box listing spreadsheet to list the boxes in your area you would like Records Services to send to off-site storage.
- Email your completed spreadsheet to Records Services who will arrange for the boxes to be collected.
For any questions about these resources please contact Records Services.