Print, Copy, Scan

Each library has one or more multifunction printers which offer photocopying and scanning functionality.
Printing and photocopying both use the University-funded print quota, while scanning to email and OneDrive is free.
Printing is available at each library and uses the University-funded printing quota. To print, you need to use ‘Follow-You-Print-Q’ and tap your ID card at the printer to release your print job. Visit the Printing website for more information.
View current printing prices.
Photocopying uses the University-funded printing quota. The multifunction printers located at each library can be used for photocopying.
Photocopying costs
Size Black and white Colour A4 20c 75c A3 30c $1.50
Scanning to email and OneDrive is available on all of the multifunction printers (note that you can only email a scanned document to yourself, not others).
Level 3 of the Barr Smith Library has an easy-to-use flat-bed scanner that enables scanning to phone, tablet, email, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, or USB
Large format scanning
A large format scanner is available for use by appointment in Special Collections.
- Scans in black & white and colour
- Image resolution up to 600dpi
- Scans documents up to 40” wide (up to A1 and B0 size)
To make an appointment to use the scanner, please contact Special Collections or phone +61 8 8313 5224.