High Use Collection

High use sign

The High Use Collection contains items that are in high demand. They have a short loan period to ensure that all students are able to access course-related books when needed.

The High Use Collection is located on Level 3 of the Barr Smith Library. High Use items appear on course reading lists and have been recommended by lecturers.

High Use items can be borrowed for 3-hours, 3 days or 7 days, and you can borrow up to two items at any one time. Please refer to the spine sticker on the book, which will indicate the loan duration.

For 3 hour loan items borrowed after 4:00 pm (Monday - Thursday) - these will become an overnight loan and need to be returned by 9:00 am the following day; from 4:00 pm on Friday the loan becomes a weekend loan and needs to be returned by 9:00 am Monday morning. 

Please contact Ask Library if you would like more information on the High Use Collection.