New University Open Access Policy

The University’s commitment to open access was formalised last week, with Academic Board endorsing a new Open Access Policy. This new policy seeks to increase the impact of University research through greater discoverability and availability of research outputs, while simultaneously broadening the reach and accessibility of our world-class teaching materials.
Key aspects of the policy are:
- All refereed journal articles, books and book chapters, as well as Higher Degree Research theses, should be deposited in a repository and made open access wherever possible. You can choose to deposit your work in a University of Adelaide repository (Adelaide Research & Scholarship or figshare) or an appropriate discipline-based repository.
- The policy preferences Green Open Access (making research outputs available via an institutional or discipline based repository) over Gold Open Access (in which the University pays to publish research outputs in an open access publication). Green Open Access provides the benefits of open access (greater discoverability and accessibility) without the expensive article processing charges often associated with Gold Open Access publishing.
- Teaching staff are encouraged to search for and use Open Educational Resources when looking for course materials. It is also recommended that staff ask to have their own teaching materials made widely available under an open licence, so that the transformative effect of education is accessible to more people.
For more information on the policy and how it will affect you, or for a tailored information session on how you and your colleagues can benefit from choosing open access, please contact Anne Hawkins, Open Access & Copyright Coordinator.