
Finding a University of Adelaide Thesis
Use Library Search to find theses written by University of Adelaide graduates.
This includes all University of Adelaide PhD and Masters by Research theses and selected Masters by Coursework and Honours theses.
Where possible, the Library provides online and open access to theses through Adelaide Research & Scholarship.
For more help, see this Guide.
Thesis preparation and lodgement
PhD and Masters by Research theses are added to Adelaide Research & Scholarship as part of the final thesis lodgement process.
For more information, please visit the Research Student Handbook on the Adelaide Graduate Centre website or email us.
Donating University of Adelaide theses to the library
The library does not accept donations of print theses.
Online Masters by Coursework theses may be added to Adelaide Research & Scholarship on request.
Online Honours theses may added as a special arrangement with Faculties or Schools. Email us to find out more.