What to do in isolation?

A person crosses their arms and makes a silly face out of boredom

Image from Pixabay, accessed 19/03/20. 

It all happened really quickly. My classes were moved online, I started working from home and all my volunteering and social events were cancelled. Before I knew it, everyone in my house was either unemployed, or working and studying from home. 

I'm home self-isolating and have way more free time than I'm used to. So now I'm left with the question: what the hell am I going to do with myself? 

Do I treat this like an accidental holiday? I could get stuck into some TV series. Maybe this is my chance to finally finish Game of Thrones. I have a lot of unread books on my shelf, maybe now's my chance! I could delve into some history learning. I could brush up on my French. I could get back into art, start drawing and painting again. Dust off those pencils and draw portraits of all my friends. 

Maybe now's a good time to start looking into my family history and mapping out that family tree. Or I could learn some songs on the ukulele. Or maybe now's the time to start that niche social justice / sci-fi / history podcast I've been daydreaming about. 

Gosh, does this mean I have to learn to cook? I no longer have the excuse of being too busy. Similarly, I might actually have to do some work in the garden and even clean out the shed! 

There are a lot of possibilities, but I don't even know where to start. Instead, I've been mindlessly scrolling on social media and snacking constantly on comfort food. It might take some time before I adjust to the self-isolation lifestyle. 

If you're self-isolating, how will you spend your time? 

Tagged in What messes with your head, coronavirus, Student life