My working from home tips

Working from home can be hard. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely has its benefits, not least of which are no commute and no need to put proper pants on. But all those distractions that might stop you doing your best at uni are heightened at home.

For me, my house is pretty small so I have set up a workstation at the dining room table. This is also the lounge room space and so the very comfortable couch is located a mere (and socially distancing appropriate) 1.5 metres away from me. Each time I lose focus or motivation, I'm tempted to have a nap or lie down, only to not get up for hours. Here are some strategies I use to try and stay focused:

  • Get out of bed.

Sounds simple but can be hard, particularly with no real time pressures making you get up. I have tried to keep to a semi-regular schedule – out of bed by 8, shower, breakfast, coffee and at the desk by 9. I’m not saying I stick to that every day, but it’s at least what I aim for.

  • Give yourself proper breaks.

As the famous TikTok goes, ‘my work is my home, my home is my work’. This is a trap during these times. As difficult as it can be, I find it useful to delineate between workspaces in the house and times set aside for work and others for leisure. Try not to let your working bleed into your whole day; I stop things related to study and work at 5pm and try not to think about them after that. You need a break and setting yourself that deadline can help to stop getting so distracted during actual work hours.

  • Go easy on yourself.

We are all adjusting to this new reality and coming to terms with some of the limits on our freedoms we haven’t ever really experienced. It is normal to feel cooped up, to feel unproductive and to miss the social interaction that comes with attending uni or work. Let yourself feel those things and even wallow in them for a little while. Just make sure to get up and keep doing your best, because while we might not know how long this will last, we are all in it together and it will eventually pass.

Tagged in What messes with your head, working, Study matters, mental health, coronavirus