5 ways I’m coping with the pandemic

1. Weekly Zoom Meetings

It’s weird because I’ve actually been able to catch up with friends MORE. People living interstate that I wasn’t seeing regularly are now just a zoom call away, and we’ve all got plenty of time on our hands. COVID-19 has actually brought us all together.

2. Riding

I have definitely got sick of the scenery of my house. Sometimes I’ll move from room to room just to break things up a bit, but it’s good to leave the house from time to time. The way I’ve been doing this is going for bike rides through nature. If I end up having to self-quarantine I guess I’ll replace this with an exercise bike and national geographic.

3. My workspace

I think one of the most important things I’ve done is establish a working space and set time aside for particular activities. Essentially, what I’ve done is şet up a bootleg home office. I wanted a big desk that I could really spread out on, so I've got a plastic dining table set up with little spots for all my different uni files.

4. Timetable

I’ve also set aside different days for different things. Tuesday is “work day”, Thursday is “uni day”, and so on. I’ve found this really helpful because all my days were feeling like they were exactly the same, and now I’ve got a little bit of structure.

5. Face to face catch ups

In a time where I see substantially less people face to face, I’ve been really valuing having little catch-ups with the people I still do get to see. It’s funny how it makes a difference just to ask other people in your house if you can have lunch together, or a coffee.


Note: You might like to check out this new video resource with some more tips here

Tagged in What messes with your head, coronavirus