Isolation comforts

Lately, I have been seeking comfort more than ever. Here are a few of the things that have been bringing me comfort in isolation. 

  • Indulging in nostalgia. Since I don't have that much exciting do to at the moment, my thoughts have wandered to times gone by. I decided now was the perfect time to look through an old box of photos, drawings and bits and pieces from when I was a child. I don't think I have ever looked at it since I was a kid. It contained hilarious and strange scribblings and notes from friends I had forgotten about.  
  • Travel memories. A friend of mine posted a picture on Instagram from a roadtrip we took in February. It was so recent, but feels like a lifetime ago. I started reminiscing about that beautiful trip and other wonderful travels. If I can't travel at the moment, remembering my travels is the next best thing. 
  • Re-watching old television shows. Coronavirus holds some similarities with the plot of a trashy teen television show called The Tribe set in New Zealand. This show was always on TV when I was a kid, and it portrays a world in which all adults have died due to a pandemic. I fell down a rabbit-hole watching this terrible show on Youtube. Watching the strange outfits, terrible acting and dramatic plot was bizarrely comforting. 
  • Comfort food. It's getting cold outside and I have been leaning in to comfort food! Hot soup, roast veggies, banana bread. And even though it's not technically a food, Chai tea is also bringing me daily joy. 
  • Fiction. I have been watching and reading light-hearted fictional stories. I spent an entire day engrossed in Every Day by David Levithan, and while the novel is designed for teenagers, it was easy to read, gripping and perfect.

What has been bringing you comfort lately?  

Tagged in What messes with your head, Student life, self-care