News: self-care

Exam wellbeing guide

It's exam time! This can be a stressful period for students, but hopefully, the following strategies will help with your wellbeing and give you the best chance of exam success.

[Read more about Exam wellbeing guide]

Creating a reset routine

A woman creating a heart with her hands in front of a sunset

Are you feeling tired? Stressed? Burnt-out? Let's reset that.

[Read more about Creating a reset routine]

Guide to taking exams with alternative arrangements

Assistive writing tech tablet

If you are a student who has an Access Plan or Alternative Exam Arrangements, gather around!

[Read more about Guide to taking exams with alternative arrangements]

The people-pleasing predicament

The desire to be liked and accepted is a universal human trait.

[Read more about The people-pleasing predicament]

Supporting a friend through grief: A reflection

It's been a tough few weeks, as I've been supporting my dear friend, let’s call them Ash, through one of the most challenging experiences in life - the loss of a family member.

[Read more about Supporting a friend through grief: A reflection ]

Guilty pleasure 

Coins spilling out of a glass jar.

How can one not feel guilty about treating themselves in this current financial climate? 

[Read more about Guilty pleasure ]

How I made time to breathe

Life on campus can get hectic, with classes, assignments, and social shindigs. But guess what? We've got a secret weapon to keep us cool amidst the chaos—mindful breathing. Here I talk about how some of us students are making time to breathe.

[Read more about How I made time to breathe]

10 things to do when you're bored

A woman scrolling through the home screen on her phone

Do you ever find yourself with nothing to do and end up scrolling through TikTok for a couple hours? Because, same. 

[Read more about 10 things to do when you're bored]

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