News: self-care

Not all who loiter are lost

Scholarly bubble

A group of my friends at uni are in their last few months of their PhD. They are in the home stretch. I can’t help but wish I was in their place. I tell them this and the reaction I get are genuine looks of trepidation and anxiety. They tell me it feels like they’re so close to the finish line, but also feel so far away from it. 

[Read more about Not all who loiter are lost]

Jumping for joy

I had the most fun I have had in a long time and it was at a trampoline park.

[Read more about Jumping for joy]

Living in the moment

Sometimes when I’m feeling down, I look back over photos of my family and friends and I get caught up in missing times gone by.

[Read more about Living in the moment ]

Can we have it all?

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to ‘have it all'.

[Read more about Can we have it all?]

Switching between work and study

While I study my PhD and undertake part time paid work basically within the same field (Australian politics), there are real differences between my two roles, and thus, I find myself constantly aware of the need to utilise different approaches of ‘headspaces’ in each.

[Read more about Switching between work and study]

What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fate?

I don’t believe in fate, or destiny, or karma. Here's why. 

[Read more about What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fate?]

My journey with juicing

About a year ago, I bought an electric juicer. It's been an interesting journey since then. 

[Read more about My journey with juicing]

Why cry over spilled milk

It was the end of a long week, the first full week of being back to full-time PhD study and working part-time. In addition to babbling ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma, pulling herself up to stand on her own, my seven-month-old daughter also got her first tooth. The teething phase that came before the tooth finally erupted wasn’t as painful as I had expected it to be, but all the developmental changes meant that my little one was waking quite a bit during the night. That of course meant a rather sleepless week for me. Still, the excitement and joy of witnessing my child’s magnificent progress made it all worth the many hours of rocking her to sleep, in between PhD writing, emails, and all other home and motherly work that I could do while she was asleep. But I digress — what I was wanting to share with you was that night, at the end of the week.

[Read more about Why cry over spilled milk]

Easy mid-winter comfort food on a student budget

My go-to comfort food is normally pizza and pasta, but I felt like making something different and a bit more special. Read on to find out what...

[Read more about Easy mid-winter comfort food on a student budget]

Learning to feel the feeling

In this new age of uncertainty, regulating our emotions can be difficult, but it's also important. Here's why.

[Read more about Learning to feel the feeling]

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