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Is the Ph.D. worth it
I feel like I am running out of time with my Ph.D. The struggle is indeed very real, but to be honest, it’s already worth it.
NAIDOC Week: Always Was, Always Will Be
This week, 8-15 November, is NAIDOC Week.
Eating out too much
It is the hectic last-minute assignments and exam season. All the commitments and work seem to affect my diet and my cooking routines.
Adelaide's hidden treasures
If you’re looking for interesting, accessible things to do as the weather warms up in Adelaide, here’s a few ‘hidden treasures’ worth a look.
Sustainable fashion
I love op-shopping. It is a great way to find clothing and other items sustainably and support community charities. However, sometimes there are just some things you need to buy. Here are a few great brands to check out.
My piece of paper
After five years, I finally got my parchment for my law degree, my piece of paper. It seems like such a simple thing now that I have it. After all this time, I’ve finally made it to the end. I’m certainly not where I expected to be.
I’m so very proud of my friend, and although we’ll all be missing her, she’s about to embark on a big adventure in her career and moving away for work. She’s taking on a role within a not-for-profit organisation and on her last day in Adelaide, we caught up for a picnic with friends. It felt quite bittersweet because of course we’ll miss her, but I am so very excited for her at the same time! There is still a longing in me for an adventure and although I am in the middle of one of the greatest adventures of my life - being a mum to my fiery little one - I'm hoping that there'll be a couple more adventures to be experienced.