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The movies of Nancy Meyers
I have been rediscovering the work of one of the most successful female writer and directors of all time: Nancy Meyers.
A hobby or career?
I have recently been getting into photography and videography. But at what point do I decide to turn my hobby into a career or keep it as just that, a hobby?
The pursuit of creativity
The pursuit of creativity is something that’s on my mind a lot, perhaps because I can’t seem to integrate creative practices into my life as easily as I’d like.
Combating leftovers and food waste
My fridge can quickly become overrun with leftovers and odd bits and bobs of ingredients. These are some tips that I am using to try and cut down on my food waste and make tastier, more creative meals.
Is Uber fair?
It’s undeniable that Uber and other driver services have become an increasingly used mode of transport since it’s founding in 2009.
Rediscovering tea
I know we all say this every year, but I still can’t believe it’ll be 2021 soon. Although most of us are very much over 2020 and would like to say farewell to it, I’m still astonished to find that the end of the year is not far away now.
Self confidence
It’s really important to be confident in yourself. I think I have enough resolve to give the impression that I am, but I don’t always feel confident in myself.
My US election experience
With the US presidential election almost upon us, I have been reflecting on my experience with the most recent presidential race, that of 2016 between now President Donald Trump and then-favourite Hilary Clinton.
From bad to worse
This has been a bad year for lots of us. It just feels like there’s this malaise in the air, that is affecting everyone and everything. I know a couple of other people have noticed this separately from me. It’s strange because the Corona virus didn’t even seem to hit Adelaide as hard as lots of other places.