Mindful walking
I am finding that a daily walk is the perfect pace and balance between exercise and finding a space to practice mindfulness.
I slip on a beanie, slap a jacket on and slide on an extra pair of socks as I psych myself up for a nice long winter walk. Over the past week I have been pushing myself to go for a walk every day. At first I only feel like a quick waltz around the block but as soon as I am out the door, my feet just take me as I embark on a long mindful walk.
Walking with my thoughts
It is always nice to daydream but I am using my daily walks to collect and categorize my thoughts. I think about all the things that are bothering me. I think about why they are bugging me and what I can do about it. I try to tell myself to breath in and out and feel my tense muscles and tensed up furrowed brow relaxing as I do so. I have only just been realising how much tension I carry in my face. Sometimes I can find it useful to say my thoughts out loud and process through what I am thinking and think it out in three logical steps.
- Firstly, I try to think about what the thought is and why it's important to me?
- Secondly, I try to think about what I want and why?
- Thirdly, I try to think about what the right thing to do is and how I can do it?
Being in my own world
Going for a long walk is a great way for me to become immersed in my own world. I have my favourite playlist ready to go and my crackly old headphones with me. I find music is a great way to be comfortable with myself and feel free in my own little world. If I am ever without my favourite playlist or I am simply just not feeling in a music-y mood, I will often hum or sing to myself or even recite some funny lines or characters from movies. This weird little habit always cheers me up.
I am finding that my daily walks always make me feel better and feel a little more positive and productive.