Having short showers

A shower head
I love hot showers. I put some music on and for a brief time (or until my skin goes wrinkly) I am in my own world. I have an escape.
There is something nice and comforting in being able to reflect during deep shower thoughts and dancing along to a great song. If I have had a particularly tiring day or am feeling a bit down, it is something that I look forward to and takes a lot of my worries away.
Are they good for me?
Like anything, there is always pros and cons and unfortunately, you can have too much of a good thing. I have recently noticed that if I have a long hot shower too often, it can strip the essential oils from skin, dry my skin out and well... it does waste a lot of water and energy. With this in mind, I am trying to stop this habit or at least do it less often. When I look at the pros and cons I find that hot showers can de-stress me and help me find my own world but also can impact my health and water bill. So, it is probably about finding a balance.
Balancing acts can be tricky
Having less and shorter hot showers is hard for me. Replacing a habit that brings me a lot of comfort with something else can be tricky. One thing I am trying to do is set a time. I usually try to be out of a hot shower after five minutes or when I have listened to a couple of songs (often when a bad song comes onto my playlist, it is a good motivator to get out). Another habit I am trying to form is finishing my shower with some cold water to help close my skin pores and feel refreshed (this often takes some psyching up). Additionally, I usually have a warm cup of tea after a shower to help get me ready for bed and have my own thoughts and space.