
Change. It's scary. It's something new, something different, something that can be difficult to adjust to. I know that I, and probably a lot of you reading this, struggle with change. And that is completely valid.
Whether it's starting University for the first time, starting a new job, going to a new event, or moving, it can all feel overwhelming. It is scary to do something that you've never done before. You don't know what the process or ending will be, and you might not think you can get through it. But that is not true.
You have gone through change before, so you can get through it again. Take a moment to look back at the situations throughout your life where you overcame change. Even though it might've been scary and stressful in the moment, you got through it! You can now look back at those times, when everyone kept telling you; "You are brave", "You are strong", "You can do this"! Even if you didn't believe it back then, they were right! You got through it, and you can do it again.
One thing that is difficult to accept is that life constantly changes. Give yourself time, be kind to yourself, and ask for help if you need it. If you are feeling really overwhelmed, pick up a pen and paper and write down all of your negative thoughts and feelings and tear it up. And then get ready to face the next steps. Don't think about climbing the whole staircase at once, think of the first few steps. You could try writing down three little tasks you can complete today that will bring you closer to your goal.
It can be scary, but it can also be exciting. You will forever have photos, videos, and memories of the last chapters of your life. But, this new season will be filled with new opportunities, new people, and new memories. You can start over and leave the bad behind. Leave the people that bring you down and leave the negative thoughts. Change is an opportunity to start fresh and create a better version of yourself. Change is about growing up and achieving your dreams. And I believe that you can get there, if you start to believe in yourself.