News: health and wellbeing

Movies for when you're sick


Here's a ramble about what I did for three weeks while I was sick! Nothing... Absolutely nothing, except watch movies, eat food and stay in bed all day. Which I am proud of myself for, and you should be too! 

[Read more about Movies for when you're sick]

Fulfilling an art project

At the beginning of this year, I set out to complete a painting for my mum.

[Read more about Fulfilling an art project ]

Romanticising study

If you’re anything like me, finding the will and drive to study is difficult. Studying SHOULD be easy but for some, it’s not and that’s totally okay. I have been researching ways on how to get motivated to study and came across romanticising study. Here are some of the tips I found useful and if you take them into your daily routine of studying from home, you will be surprised at how much they actually help.

[Read more about Romanticising study]

I have buyer’s remorse

online shopping icon on keyboard

Buyer’s remorse is the sense of regret after having purchased something. It usually occurs after the purchase of an expensive item. It’s a real thing, we've all experienced it, and it hurts.

[Read more about I have buyer’s remorse]

Relationship reflections

A questioning figure sits

With safer campus community week taking place across campus from the 9th-13th, it’s got me thinking about healthy relationships and made me wonder, are my relationships healthy?

[Read more about Relationship reflections ]

Finding a work-life balance

Person balancing on a log

Sometimes life is really busy. Whether it’s work, uni, social obligations, or a combination of all three, finding a balance between who we are and what we do can be tricky. 

[Read more about Finding a work-life balance]

Safe sex, no regrets

The Safe Sex, No Regrets campaign is paused temporarily until we return to campus.

[Read more about Safe sex, no regrets]

What does happiness really mean?

Rock pile at Port Willunga beach

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness as something all-encompassing and overwhelming, and also something elusive, often impermanent. 

[Read more about What does happiness really mean?]

But if you're vegetarian where do you get your protein?


As a vegetarian who rarely eats dairy or eggs, I’d say the most common question I get is about protein. Where do I get it? How much do I have? Is it too much? Is it not enough?

[Read more about But if you're vegetarian where do you get your protein?]

The importance of taking breaks

Laptop and coffee cup

Mid-year exam time is coming up, and with it, all the expected stress, tears, and late-night snacks. But amidst all the chaos, don’t forget to develop a good study routine that includes breaks.

[Read more about The importance of taking breaks]

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