News: mental health
Asking for help

I had my first appointment with a psychologist in six years. Even after the mere hour, I left the building with a whole new perspective I could have never imagined for myself.
Why don't we take our own advice?

Even as a blogger for mental health, I know that I don't listen to myself all the time.
Small ways to support friends

Taking care of ourselves should be among our top priorities, and checking in on our friends can also be pretty important. But sometimes it's hard to know if anything we've done was helpful to them in any way at all.
Emotional fitness

Winter is truly upon us. Flu season is too, on top of the coronavirus. Apart from ensuring I’m up to date with all my COVID and flu vaccines and generally keeping my body healthy, is there something that can help with my emotional fitness?
Electoral bombardment

Flicking on the TV or scrolling through Facebook lately has been giving me an election information-overload headache.
Speedy sources for wellbeing

As much as I want to take care of myself and learn how I can keep my mental heatlh in tip-top shape, I seldom set the time aside for myself to actually do the research.
The health value of good shoes

Only after having completely worn through my favourite set of shoes have I realised just how important they are for my physical and mental health.
Glorifying the grind

We're about halfway through the first semester and I've been hearing competitions of who's getting the least amount of sleep start floating around campus.