News: Student life

Staying connected in exam season

A library with a large window and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.

Exam season can be such an isolating experience. I find myself sitting at my desk for hours with only my desk lamp and emotional support water bottle to keep me company.

[Read more about Staying connected in exam season]

Resilient spirit

Photo of the back of a climber ascending Mount Everest, blue sky and clouds above one of the peaks

I have entitled the draft of my Ph.D. thesis, ‘BRUNO’ because ‘we don’t talk about Bruno’. We don’t talk about my thesis. Or graduation.

[Read more about Resilient spirit]

Saying no

friends walking on the beack

I’ve only recently watched the Friends Reunion. It’s a show I literally have seen so many times over they years but I never tire of.

[Read more about Saying no]

Whale migration

Oh August, I feel like you went by too quickly. The last weeks of winter have always been celebrated with a migration of sorts and this annual retreat has become a tradition. One that always felt like a rebirth, and I will always be grateful to winter’s chill for the darkness that makes fires burn brighter and hotter.

[Read more about Whale migration]

Being there

Wooden sculpture of an adult nursing a baby

A good friend I've not spoken to in months called me this week with such happy news - she and her partner are having a baby!

[Read more about Being there]

Work desk essentials

Photo of a hand with a pen, writing on a pad on a desk

Shared working spaces seem to be more common on campus. It makes sense though.

[Read more about Work desk essentials]

Review: Stephen King's On Writing

A pile of old books with a teacup perched on top.

I have never really been into non-fictional books but after trying out Stephen King's On Writing, I think I would like to give it a go.

[Read more about Review: Stephen King's On Writing]

Morning momentum

blogpic- pixabay- openbook- hot chocolate

I love the rain, I do. I love it, even more, when I can just lay in bed for hours reading books.

[Read more about Morning momentum]


What is TalkCampus? It’s a free 24/7 online peer network, supporting mental health and wellbeing.

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