News: study
Graduation doesn't feel real...
Anyone else recently had their graduation ceremony? What a blur the past few years have been.
How to approach your lecturer

For first year students, the thought of talking to your lecturers might seem daunting. Here is this person who has dedicated pretty much their whole lives to their craft – they are highly regarded in their field; they have contributed significant research findings and innovations to the discipline; they could also be practicing professionals.
The light we carry: book reflection

Whether you like the Obamas or not, I found I had a lot of helpful things to take away from Michelle Obama’s recent book, The Light We Carry. I guess they are crafted as life lessons, but they may as well be a toolkit we HDR students can use on our journey towards the degree. Here are some of the things I learned that I find useful as an HDR student.
Living deadline to deadline

It’s that time of the year as we begin to tread the muddy waters of the final few teaching weeks. The mud is thick, and I surely can’t seem to move.
Where do I even start?

Do you ever have too much work to do that finding where to start is overwhelming?