Graduation doesn't feel real...
Anyone else recently had their graduation ceremony? What a blur the past few years have been.
Graduations always felt like a hazy distant dream that I never thought I’d catch up to. I recently graduated from my 3-year bachelors degree and chose to dive straight into my masters degree. Many of my classmates decided to take a gap year – some to travel and some to work, both of which are commendable options.
Travelling while you are young can change and inspire you, while choosing to work is like dipping your feet into your chosen field before you solidify your career path. But alas, I have chosen neither of these options and have chosen to further accumulate my HECS debt in hopes of graduating earlier and beginning my career as soon as possible.
In the future I hope to be able to afford my own house, along with the many things I plan to fill that house with. Without a stable long term income, I wouldn't be able to achieve that…right? Despite wanting to power through these next 3 years, there are many days where I doubt and second guess my decision. The next 3 years will no doubt be difficult and I may suffer severely from burnout but I’m willing to give it a shot!
What’s my advice to all of you going through a similar situation? Make your choice and stick with it. Only you know what is best for yourself. And congratulations on graduating!