HDR Student Tools

We currently support CaRST Online, supporting HDR students in their career and research skills training, as well as online milestone reviews for research students, with more HDR-specific tools on their way.


CaRST Online is a portal for HDR students, supervisors and postgraduate coordinators to effectively manage Career and Research Skills Training activities.

Annual review of progress

The Annual Review is intended to be an open and frank appraisal of your rate of progress by both you and your supervisory panel. Find out more about the Annual Review of Progress on the Adelaide Graduate Research School website.

Core component of the structured program

The Core Component of the Structured Program (CCSP) is the first major progress milestone you will complete. Find out more about the requirements and the process on the Adelaide Graduate Research School website.

Major review of progress

The Major Review is a pivotal point in candidature at which your supervisors and School will assess whether you have the skills, aptitude and ability to complete your degree within the expected timeframe.