ORCiD for HDR Students
Students, especially Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students are encouraged to sign up and register their ORCiD with the University.
There are a number of ways you can use your ORCiD to make life a little bit easier and maximise the benefit of setting up an ORCiD. Step-by-step instructions are available.
Things you should consider doing with your ORCiD
Step 1: Register it as required for CaRST
HDR Students are required to register an ORCiD as part of the Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) training and development program.
Step 2: Link it in Aurora and your Researcher Profile
Linking your ORCiD with Aurora will enable auto-claiming of publications associated with your ORCiD. You can also create a link on your Researcher Profile to your ORCiD. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide for instructions and further details.
Step 3: Provide it to publishers
Your ORCiD can be provided to publishers (some already require this), allowing them to link your ORCiD to your publication.
This will also enable online databases to accurately link your name to this publication, which will also enable internal University systems like Aurora, harvest your publication.