Training and support

Training and support activities being offered to our Researchers are designed to support all levels of competency in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC).

Online training

To get started or refresh your HPC skills in the shortest time possible access our online training available in MyUni. All existing Phoenix account holders have access under Other Courses in MyUni. The online training is designed to quickly give you the skills requires to use Phoenix.

Hint: Look for Phoenix HPC Training in myUni.

About 30 minutes of your time will be required and the course covers the topics:

  • Access to the Phoenix
  • Basic Linux commands for HPC
  • Transfer files between terminal and the Phoenix
  • Schedule your jobs for execution on Phoenix
  • Preparing and writing scripts to submit
  • Job submission and feedback

Log in and complete the course

Note: There are no prerequisites and you do not need to have any knowledge of unix. The online training requires you to request a Phoenix account.

Conditions of use

For more information

For more information about our training, or for help with Phoenix, please contact the HPC Support team or check the Phoenix High Performance Computing wiki.