Reporting Tools

The Reporting area within Aurora allows users to export a range of publication, output and professional activities data.

These tools also provide the ability to review and compare statistics for individuals and groups (School, Faculty, Institute or Research Group). Within each of these groups there are also Reporting Groups which allows data to be exported for a sub-set of Researchers such as all Academic Staff, all Academic Titleholders or all HDR Students within this group.

Note: You are only able to access the Reporting area if you have been given the role of ‘Statistician' within Aurora.

Heads of SchoolAssociate Deans Research and Faculty Research Managers are automatically provided with access to run reports for their School, Faculty, Institute or Research Group.

If you need to run reports for your area but don't have access, please fill out the access form and then email it to Aurora Support.

  • Basic reports

    Basic reports allow users to extract data about publication, citations, professional activities and users

    Basic Reports allows users to extract data about publication, citations, professional activities and users within Aurora by selecting Research Admin>Basic Reports.

    These data extract reports can be download into spreadsheet format (CVS/ Excel), allowing users to sort, filter and format results for the desired needs.

    Users can also extract data about user Logins, pending publications requiring actioning via the Approval Counts report, Aurora account Delegation and H-Index's (including citation stats) for individual Researchers and Groups (School, Faculty, Institute or Research Group).

    See the Basic reports guide for further details.


    Note: To create a list of publications for a group of Researchers in Word format using a custom citation/reference style, you must first export your Aurora data using the Choose report: Users and usage then selecting the Publications (ReferenceManager/ EndNote) report. Once you have uploaded the exported file to EndNote you can then customise to your preferred citation/ reference style and export into Word.

    For more information on how to download EndNote, refer to the Information Technology and Digital Services software page.

  • Group statistics

    The group statistics reporting tool allows users to view charts and statistics about the publication performance for individuals or groups within a school, faculty, institute or research group

    This reporting tool allows users to view charts and statistics that give additional information about the publication performance for individuals or groups within your School, Faculty, Institute or Research Group.

    Group Statistics allows users to review data for individuals and groups such as:

    • Total publications per year
    • Average publications per user by year
    • Publications by citation count
    • Users' yearly publication rates vs. average
    • H-Index's
    • Journals (by frequency)
      Top cited publications

    Select Research Admin> Group Statistics from the main menu.

    See the Group statistics guide for further details.

  • Comparative statistics

    Comparative Statistics allows users to view statistics in the form of charts between two individuals, two sets of individuals or between two groups (Schools, Faculties, Institutes or Research Groups).

    Select Research Admin> Comparative Statistics to review information such as:

    • Average publications per year
    • H-Index's

    See the Comparative statistics guide for further details.

Can't find the reporting group you need?

Contact Aurora Support for assistance or to determine if a new group can be set up for your reporting needs.